The Candy Castle Legend

Hidden deep underneath CANDY CASTLE is the source of CANDY KINGDOM's magical candy power .. THE CANDY CRYSTAL ! Life is sweet in the candy kingdom ... Most of the time. The trouble is GLOOMY GHASTLY THE DRAGON doesn't like candy that much (apart form the really sour ones and some fizzy candies with a seriously grumpy disposition ... oh and he also has a soft spot for marshmallows 'cos he can toast 'em) and he would love to put a stop to all that happiness and singing and dancing and sweet stuff that goes on around here...
GLOOMY GHASTLY even tried gobbling up CANDY CASTLE once but every time he took a bite THE CANDY CRYSTAL would power up and regenerate the missing candy bricks faster than he could chew or swallow !
That doesn't stop him from trying to break in and steal THE CANDY CRYSTAL though (he just can't help himself .. what is his problem ? can't he find another hobby ?) Aided by his army of SERIOUSLY SURLY SOUR SWEETIES, Bad tempered Beans and GRUMPY GUMMIES he tries, tries and tries again !

Meet LITTLE KNIGHT, DINKY DAISY and their gummy lovin; gang of happy go lucky magic candy pals who have come together to protect THE CANDY CRYSTAL and all the sweet secrets hidden behind the wobbly jelly ramparts of CANDY CASTLE, Heroic champions of CANDY KINGDOM they are...